
Abstract Context In the Model Driven Development (MDD) approach, model transformations are responsible for the semi-automation of software development process converting models between different abstraction levels. The development of model transformations involves a complexity inherent to the transformation domain, in addition to the complexity of software development in general. Therefore, the construction of model transformations requires software engineering feature such as processes and languages to facilitate its development and maintenance. Objective This paper presents a framework to develop unidirectional relational model transformation using the MDD approach itself, which integrates: (i) a software development process suitable for the model transformation domain (ii) a Domain specific language for transformation modeling (iii) a transformation chain, to (semi) automate the proposed process, and (iv) a development environment to support it. Methods The proposal systematizes the development of model transformation, following the MDD principles. An iterative and incremental process guides transformation development from requirement specification to transformation codification. The proposal has been evaluated through a case study and a controlled experiment. Results The framework enables model transformation specification at a high abstraction level and (semi) automatically transforms it into models at a low abstraction level until the transformation code. The results of the case study showed that people with different levels of knowledge of MDD, or without experience in transformation languages, were able to develop transformations through the framework and generated executable code. Conclusions The framework integrates the essential elements involved in the development of model transformation and enables the abstraction of technological details. The results of the case study and controlled experiment showed the feasibility of the proposal and its use in dealing with the complexity involved in model transformation development.

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