
Object-role modeling (OEM) is a fact-oriented approach for specifying, transforming, and querying information at a conceptual level. Unlike entity-relationship (ER) modeling and unified modeling language (UML) class diagrams, ORM is attribute-free, treating all elementary facts as relationships. For information modeling, fact-oriented graphical notations are typically far more expressive than other notations. Based on extensive industrial feedback, a second generation ORM (ORM 2) was recently specified. This paper provides a detailed discussion of NORMA (Neumont ORM Architect), a software tool that facilitates entry, validation, and mapping of ORM 2 models. Building on Microsoft's domain specific language (DSL) technology, NORMA is implemented as an open-source plug-in to visual studio .NET. As well as supporting ORM 2, with automated verbalization and live error-handling, NORMA automatically generates code for relational database models, object models, and XML schemas

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