
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of village head elections after the implementation of the Bontomatinggi Village Head election in Maros Regency in 2016. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach to analysis and using the theory of political mobilization, data collection using interview, observation and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique used by the author is a qualitative data analysis technique that is by searching and compiling systematically from the results of interviews, observations and documentation and then selecting the data needed and making conclusions that are easy to understand.Based on the results of the study, direct and indirect mobilization models and the impacts that occurred in the community after the election of Maros Regency Bontomatinggi Village Chief occurred several models such as socialization of village head candidates, mass mobilization, open campaign (direct mobilization model) and dialogical campaigns conducted from home to home (direct mobilization model). The impact of the model and after the election is that there is an unnatural mobilization model such as intimidation and threats to voters, giving facilities and money politics, black campaigns and spreading slander. Some of the factors that influence the voters' decision to elect a village head are the lack of education level of the community, mobilized communities are afraid that there will be violence and utterances of hatred from the candidates and the successful team if they do not follow their wishes. Keywords : Political Mobilization Model, the impact of village head elections


  • Berlakunya Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 72 Tahun 2005 tentang Desa telah menciptakan sistem baru dalam proses pilkades dan tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa keterlibatan masyarakat dalam pemilihan kepala desa ini telah meningkatkan intensitas peran masyarakat pedesaan dalam mengembangkan kehidupan berdemokrasi

  • The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of village head elections after the implementation of the Bontomatinggi Village Head election in Maros Regency in 2016

  • Based on the results of the study, direct and indirect mobilization models and the impacts that occurred in the community after the election of Maros Regency Bontomatinggi Village Chief occurred several models such as socialization of village head candidates, mass mobilization, open campaign and dialogical campaigns conducted from home to home

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Berdasarkan dari tabel di atas dapat kita lihat bahwa pemilihan kepala desa Bontomatinggi sudah dilaksanakan sebanyak 3 kali namun pada tahun 2014-2016 Desa Bontomatinggi hanya dijabat oleh Pelaksana Tugas sementara sampai dilaksankannya pemilihan kepala Desa, pada akhir tahun 2016 barulah dilaksanakan pemilihan. Hasil pemilihan kepala Desa Bontomatinggi menunjukkan terpilihnya Khaerul sebagai kepala Desa yang kelihatannya sebagian masyarakat senang dan sebagian masyarakat juga belum bisa menerima secara lapang dada karena banyak persoalan yang terjadi sampai hari H pemilihan. Dari jumlah perolehan suara pemilihan kepala desa Bontomatinggi tak sedikit juga yang memilih untuk golput bisa kita lihat dari tabel berikut : Tabel 2.

Model Mobilisasi Politik Pemilihan Kepala Desa Bontomatinggi
Model Mobilisasi Tidak LangsungSgsgsg
Dampak Mobilisasi Setelah Pemilihan Kepala Desa
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