
The purpose of this research is to increase learning outcome in MTK subjects in class V. This research is a Classroom Action Research, includes: planning, implementation, and reflection, 29 study subjects consisted of 15 males and 14 females, Data collection techniques used a written assessment on the basic competence of multiplying and dividing various forms of fractions, observations in the form of indicators of teacher and student, the results showed that pre cycle of percentage of student learning outcomes that is 38%, in the first cycle increased by a percentage 72%, teacher activity by 75%, and student activity by 70% and then in the second cycle is 100% complete, with the highest 85, the lowest 75, and the average 78,97. Based on these results, it can be concluded that CTL model can improve the learning outcomes of Mtk subject of grade V students at elementary school number 104 / IX Kedemangan


  • The purpose of this research is to increase learning outcome in MTK subjects in class V

  • This research is a Classroom Action Research, includes: planning, implementation, and reflection, 29 study subjects consisted of 15 males and 14 females, Data collection techniques used a written assessment on the basic competence of multiplying and dividing various forms of fractions, observations in the form of indicators of teacher and student, the results showed that pre cycle of percentage of student learning outcomes that is 38%, in the first cycle increased by a percentage 72%, teacher activity by 75%, and student activity by 70% and in the second cycle is 100% complete, with the highest 85, the lowest 75, and the average 78,97

  • It can be concluded that Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model can improve the learning outcomes of Mtk subject of grade V students at elementary school number 104 / IX Kedemangan

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Nilai Terendah

Tahap Pengamatan/ Observasi Tahap ini dilakukan pada proses pembelajaran atau pada tahap pelaksanaan tindakan. Berdasarkan Tabel 1 terlihat ketuntasan belajar siswa pada pra siklus hanya menunjukkan presentase sebesar 38% dengan rata-rata skor sebesar 63,41, dengan nilai tertinggi 75 dan nilai terendah 45, pencapain tersebut memberikan umpan balik bagi peneliti yang juga merupakan guru kelas V untuk melakukan perbaikan pembelajaran guna menentaskan ketuntasan belajar siswa sehingga peserta didik secara individu dan klasikal dapat mencapai KKM sebesar 73. Siklus I Tahap Perencanaan Adapun langkah-langkah yang dilakukan dalam perencanaan tindakan yaitu menyiapkan skenario atau langkah-langkah pembelajaran dengan melibatkan model CTL yang dimuat ke dalam Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP); Berkoordinasi bersama observer, dalam hal ini satu orang pengawas pembina, kepala sekolah dan satu orang guru senior; Menyiapkan alat pengumpul data berupa lembar observasi aktivitas guru dan aktivitas siswa; dan soal tes; Lembar soal tes penilaian hasil belajar siswa berkaitan dengan materi mengalikan dan bimbingan individu/ kelompok; dan (10) Pengelolaan waktu. Pada tahap pelaksanaan juga dilakukan observasi aktivitas guru dan observasi aktivitas siswa yang mengacu pada

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