
Detailed EPR and ENDOR experiments on the cocrystalline complex of 1-methyluracil:9-Ethyladenine (MUEA) have revealed that the major radiation-induced products observed at 10 K on MU are: MUEA1, a radical formed by net hydrogen abstraction from the N1-CH3 methyl group, MUEA2, the MU radical anion, and MUEA3, the C5 H-addition radical. The following four products were observed on the adenine moiety at 10 K, MUEA4, the N3 protonated adenine anion, MUEA5, the native adenine cation, MUEA6, the amino deprotonated adenine cation, and MUEA7, the C8 H-addition radical formed by net H-addition to C8 of the adenine base. The geometries, energetics, and hyperfine properties of all possible radicals of MU and EA, the native anions and cations, as well as radicals formed via net hydrogen atom abstraction (deprotonated cations) or addition (protonated anions) were investigated theoretically. All systems were optimized using the hybrid Hartree–Fock–density functional theory functional B3LYP, in conjunction with the 6-31G(d,p) basis set of Pople and co-workers. Calculations of the anisotropic hyperfine couplings for all the radicals observed in MUEA are presented and are shown to compare favorably with the experimentally measured hyperfine couplings. The calculated ionizations potentials indicate that EA would be the preferred oxidation site. In MUEA, both the adenine cation and its N4-deprotonated derivative were observed. The calculated electron affinities indicate that MU would be the preferred reduction site. In MUEA radical, MUEA2 is a uracil reduction product, however the protonation state of this radical could not be determined experimentally. Calculations suggest that MUEA2 is actually the C4=O protonated anion.

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