
Model calculations of ..cap alpha..-/sup 14/C, ..beta..-/sup 14/C, ..gamma..-/sup 14/C, ..cap alpha..-D/sub 2/, and ..gamma..-D/sub 3/ kinetic isotope effects in the acetolysis of neopentyl arenesulfonate were carried out for two possible pathways, concerted (k/sub ..delta../) and stepwise (k/sub c/). In the k/sub ..delta../ transition state (TS), four bond orders, n/sub ..cap alpha..-0/, n/sub ..cap alpha..-..beta../, n/sub ..beta..-..gamma../, and n/sup ..cap alpha..-..gamma../, were taken as independent parameters which define the model, whereas in the k/sub c/ model, n/sub ..cap alpha..-0/, n/sub ..cap alpha..-..beta../, n/sub ..beta..-..gamma../, and n/sub ..gamma..-H/ were taken as the parameters; other geometrical parameters and diagonal force constants were related to these four parameters by empirical expressions. One or more off-diagonal force constants were used to generate the reaction-coordiate frequency. The calculations suggested that the reaction proceeds via the k/sub ..delta../ pathway whose TS has a weak but significant ..cap alpha..-..gamma.. interaction; the alternative k/sub c/ pathway was shown to be less probable. The k/sub ..delta../ TS structure determined was then compared with that of the 2-methyl-2-phenylpropyl (neophyl) solvolysis. The calculated k/sub ..delta../ TS of the neopentyl solvolysis has (1) a stronger C/sub ..cap alpha../-O bond, (2) a stronger C/sub ..cap alpha../-C/sub ..beta../ bond, (3) a weaker C/sub ..beta../-C/submore » ..gamma../ bond, and (4) a weaker C/sub ..cap alpha../-C/sub ..gamma../ bond than the TS of the neophyl solvolysis has. The results were interpreted in terms of the difference in the migrating group, methyl vs. phenyl, and it was concluded that the major mode of neighboring group participation by the phenyl is bridging whereas that by the methyl is hyperconjugation.« less

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