
This study examines the LSTM-based model for processing spam in text data. Spam poses several dangers and risks, both for individuals and organizations. Spam can be a nuisance that hampers both individual and organizational productivity. Much spam contains fraudulent or phishing attempts to obtain sensitive information. Spam detection using deep learning involves the utilization of algorithms and deep neural network models to accurately classify messages as either spam or not spam. Typically, spam detection systems use a combination of these methods to improve the accuracy of identifying spam messages. This study applies the Bi-LSTM deep learning model to sequentially process text (sequencing). The performance of the model is determined based on the loss and accuracy. The data used are the Spam SMS and Spam Email datasets. The test results show that the Bi-LSTM model demonstrates better performance on all tested datasets. Bi-LSTM is able to capture textual patterns from both the context and the text itself, as it can combine information from both directions. The test results prove that the Bi-LSTM model is more effective in text comprehension.

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