
We present a set of model-based approaches for unsupervised spoken term detection (STD) with spoken queries that requires neither speech recognition nor annotated data. This work shows the possibilities in migrating from DTW-based to model-based approaches for unsupervised STD. The proposed approach consists of three components: self-organizing models, query matching, and query modeling. To construct the self-organizing models, repeated patterns are captured and modeled using acoustic segment models (ASMs). In the query matching phase, a document state matching (DSM) approach is proposed to represent documents as ASM sequences, which are matched to the query frames. In this way, not only do the ASMs better model the signal distributions and time trajectories of speech, but the much-smaller number of states than frames for the documents leads to a much lower computational load. A novel duration-constrained Viterbi (DC-Vite) algorithm is further proposed for the above matching process to handle the speaking rate distortion problem. In the query modeling phase, a pseudo likelihood ratio (PLR) approach is proposed in the pseudo relevance feedback (PRF) framework. A likelihood ratio evaluated with query/anti-query HMMs trained with pseudo relevant/irrelevant examples is used to verify the detected spoken term hypotheses. The proposed framework demonstrates the usefulness of ASMs for STD in zero-resource settings and the potential of an instantly responding STD system using ASM indexing. The best performance is achieved by integrating DTW-based approaches into the rescoring steps in the proposed framework. Experimental results show an absolute 14.2% of mean average precision improvement with 77% CPU time reduction compared with the segmental DTW approach on a Mandarin broadcast news corpus. Consistent improvements were found on TIMIT and MediaEval 2011 Spoken Web Search corpus.

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