
In this work, we propose a model-based deep learning reconstruction algorithm for optical projection tomography (ToMoDL), to greatly reduce acquisition and reconstruction times. The proposed method iterates over a data consistency step and an image domain artefact removal step achieved by a convolutional neural network. A preprocessing stage is also included to avoid potential misalignments between the sample center of rotation and the detector. The algorithm is trained using a database of wild-type zebrafish (Danio rerio) at different stages of development to minimise the mean square error for a fixed number of iterations. Using a cross-validation scheme, we compare the results to other reconstruction methods, such as filtered backprojection, compressed sensing and a direct deep learning method where the pseudo-inverse solution is corrected by a U-Net. The proposed method performs equally well or better than the alternatives. For a highly reduced number of projections, only the U-Net method provides images comparable to those obtained with ToMoDL. However, ToMoDL has a much better performance if the amount of data available for training is limited, given that the number of network trainable parameters is smaller.

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