
Management is the organizational process that involves planning, organizing, leadership and controlling. The objectives of this study were to describe the planning model, the instructional leadership model, and explain the quality control model of management of learning Arabic in MA Nuris 1 Jember, MANPK Jember, MA Al Qodiri 1 Jember. The research approach used is a qualitative approach with a type of case study with a multisite design. The analysis technique uses individual case analysis and cross-case analysis. The validity of the data in this study uses a test of credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability. The findings of this study are (1) Arabic language learning planning model is integrated models, which begins environmental analysis with standardization of caregivers and quality assurance. Planning is developed through the integration of the K13 curriculum with the pesantren curriculum, integration of madrasah Arabic learning with Islamic boarding schools referring to technical instructions from the ministry of religion, and student exchange programs. (2) Instructional leadership model in Arabic language learning is participative delegatif and non participative delegatif, with. The socialization of the vision, mission, and objectives are carried out by the quality assurance team with the aim of the madrasa community, parents of students and the community both directly and using print and electoral media. Both learning management is carried out centrally with a hierarchical system and a specialization system developed by the teacher in a centralized manner with various models that refer to boarding learning technical guidelines and guidebooks, thirdly constructing a climate of learning Arabic using a modern education system and time compaction. (3) The first Arabic language quality control model, input quality control students memorized Taqrib 250 verses and Imriti 250 verses, able to speak Arabic and English, have memorized Al-Quran, MTs, and pesantren. Input teacher master Arabic, pesantren alumni, can read books and teachers built by Dalwa Islamic Boarding School. Second, control of the learning process specifically for santri mukim and santri kalong, full-day school-based Islamic boarding schools, and supported by Arabic language olympiad, student exchanges, LPBA and Yaumul Arabi and involving, systems, media and personnel. Third, control of output based learning IT, supported by Khitobah, Yaumul Arabiy and weekly, monthly and semester evaluations. Based on the findings above, the formal findings of this research are the integrative delegated management model of Arabic language learning in Aliyah madrasas based Ma'had- can improve the quality of students in mastering all Arabic language skills.

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