
We consider the subtractive model repair problem : given a finite Kripke structure M and a CTL formula η, determine if M contains a substructure M ′ that satisfies η. Thus, M can be “repaired” to satisfy eta by deleting some transitions and states. We map an instance 〈 M ,η 〉 of model repair to a Boolean formula repair ( M ,η) such that 〈 M ,η 〉 has a solution iff repair ( M ,η) is satisfiable. Furthermore, a satisfying assignment determines which states and transitions must be removed from M to yield a model M ′ of η Thus, we can use any SAT solver to repair Kripke structures. Using a complete SAT solver yields a complete algorithm: it always finds a repair if one exists. We also show that CTL model repair is NP-complete. We extend the basic repair method in three directions: (1) the use of abstraction mappings, that is, repair a structure abstracted from M and then concretize the resulting repair to obtain a repair of M , (2) repair concurrent Kripke structures and concurrent programs: we use the pairwise method of Attie and Emerson to represent and repair the behavior of a concurrent program, as a set of “concurrent Kripke structures”, with only a quadratic increase in the size of the repair formula, and (3) repair hierarchical Kripke structures: we use a CTL formula to summarize the behavior of each “box,” and CTL deduction to relate the box formula with the overall specification.

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