
The flow around a full scale (FS) ship can be simulated by mean s of Reynolds Averaged Naiver Stokes (RANS) method, which provides a way to obtain more knowledge about scale effect s on ship hydrodynamics. In this work, the viscous flow around a static drift tanker in full scale is simulated by using the RANS solver based on the open source platform OpenFOAM. The 𝑘−𝜔 SST model is employed to approximate the eddy viscosity. To reduce computational time, wall function approach is applied for the FS simulation. The flow around the ship in model scale is simulated as well, but without using any wall function, i.e. using Low Reynolds number mode. In order to verify the computations, de-tailed studies on the computational grid including investigation of the sensitivity of computed forces to 𝑦+ (dimension-less distance of first grid point to wall) and grid dependency study are carried out. The computed forces are compared with available measured data The scale effect s are analysed and discussed by comparisons.

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