
Based on a transition transport model with hysteresis nature, the heattransport in the plasma edge region is investigated. A hysteresis typeflux-force relation is incorporated into the model of local heat diffusivity.A one-dimensional heat transport equation is solved numerically for a giveninflux. The time evolution of the heat flux oscillation due to the nature ofthe hysteresis and the parameter dependences of its amplitude and frequencyare examined. The oscillatory characteristics of the outflux are found toalter depending on (1) the time scale ratio of the local limit cycle periodand the spatial propagation time of successive transitions (avalanche) and(2) whether the induced avalanche can reach and make the transition at thevery edge of the plasma or not. Different characteristic power law relationsare obtained in the parameter dependences. The critical behaviour of thetransition between two transport mechanisms, i.e. the hysteresis type and thediscontinuous, is analysed and compared. The self-organized criticality likebehaviour, i.e. power spectrum obeying power law, is obtained in a limitingcase of the hysteresis model.

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