
The presence of ridesourcing service (car online transport) is widespread and very fast due to technology support and various services offered. The use of ridesourcing service is considered a new mode of transportation that affects changes in passenger travel patterns as well as the current mode share of transportation, especially the use of private vehicle. This study aims to establish a mode choice model between private vehicle and ridesourcing service in DKI Jakarta and to estimate the potential of demand shifting from private vehicle to ridesourcing service in DKI Jakarta. The mode choice model is developed by the stated preference technique to form binary logit model by taking into account the traffic conditions, waiting time, travel cost. Estimation of potential for mode shifting is done by calculating the willingness-to-pay (WTP) of private vehicle users in DKI Jakarta for ridesourcing service. The results show that willingness-to-pay of private vehicle users to switch to ridesourcing service with waiting time on the arrival of ridesourcing service is 5 minute is Rp5,400.00/km for peak hours and Rp4,400.00/km for off-peak hours. While the average current fare for ridesourcing service are Rp7,350.00/km for peak hours and Rp4,500.00/km for off-peak hours.

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