
MoCLORA (Modular Climbing-and-Legged Robotic Organism Architecture) is a software framework for climbing bio-inspired robotic organisms composed of modular robots (legs). It is presented as a modular low-level architecture that coordinates the modules of an organism with any morphology, at the same time allowing exchanges between the physical robot and its digital twin. It includes the basic layers to control and coordinate all the elements, while allowing adding new higher-level components to improve the organism's behavior. It is focused on the control of both the body and the legs of the organism, allowing for position and velocity control of the whole robot. Similarly to insects, which are able to adapt to new situations after the variation on the capacity of any of their legs, MoCLORA allows the control of organisms composed of a variable number of modules, arranged in different ways, giving the overall system the versatility to tackle a wide range of tasks in very diverse environments. The article also presents ROMERIN, a modular climbing and legged robotic organism, and its digital twin, which allows the creation of different module arrangements for testing. MoCLORA has been tested and validated with both the physical robot and its digital twin.

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