
The factors necessary to dissociate iron from transferrin in endocytic vesicles and to mobilize the iron across the vesicle membrane were studied in a preparation of endocytic vesicles markedly enriched in transferrin-transferrin receptor complexes isolated from rabbit reticulocytes. Vesicles were prepared with essentially fully saturated transferrin by incubating the reticulocytes with the protonophore carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone prior to incubation with 59Fe, 125I-transferrin with or without fluorescein isothiocyanate labeling. Initiation of acidification by the addition of ATP was sufficient to achieve dissociation of 59Fe from transferrin with a rate constant of 0.054 +/- 0.06 s-1. Mobilization of 59Fe out of the vesicles required, besides ATP, the addition of a reductant with 1 mM ascorbate, allowing approximately 60% mobilization at 10 min with a rate constant of 0.0038 +/- 0.0006 s-1. An NADH:ferricyanide reductase activity could be demonstrated in the vesicles with an activity of 7.1 x 10(-9) mol of NADH reduced per min/mg of vesicle protein. Both dissociation and mobilization were inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone, and monensin. Mobilization, but not dissociation, was inhibited by the permeant Fe(II) chelator alpha,alpha'-dipyridyl. The Fe(III) chelators deferoxamine, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, and apotransferrin did not promote mobilization of dissociated iron in the absence of a reductant. This study establishes the basis for the cellular incorporation of iron through the endocytic pathway in which the endocytic vesicle membrane utilizes, in a sequential way, an acidification system, an iron reduction system, and an Fe(II) transporter system.


  • From the Departamento de Biologia, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile and $Department of Medicine, Louisiana State University Medical School, Shreveport, Louisiana 71130

  • Reductase in Endocytic Vesicles-Initial exueriments indicated that the vesicles had NADH: ferricyanide reductase activity when assayed following the reduction of ferricyanide under the conditions described by Sun et al [17]

  • Acidification of Endocytic Vesicles-The acidification of the vesicles after the addition of ATP was assayed by the fluorescence quenching of FITC-labeled transferrin contained in the vesicles

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From the Departamento de Biologia, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile and $Department of Medicine, Louisiana State University Medical School, Shreveport, Louisiana 71130. An NADH:ferricyanide reductase activity could be demonstrated in the vesicles with an activity of 7.1 x lo-’ mol of NADH reduced per min/mg of vesicle protein Both dissociation and mobilization were inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, carbonyl cyanide. This study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that both ATP-mediated proton fluxes and iron reduction are required for iron dissociation from transferrin and translocation into the cytosol. 2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N’-2-ethanesulfonic acid; NEM, N-ethylmaleimide; BPS, bathophenanthroline disulfonate; DTPA, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid This study of iron transport in isolated endocytic vesicles establishes a model for iron entrance into the cytoplasm in which vesicle acidification, iron-transferrin dissociation, iron reduction, and iron translocation occur in a sequential manner

Detection of NADH:Ferricyanide
TABLE III of iron dissociation and mobilization
Reductase in Endocytic
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