
The behaviour of major and trace elements have been studied along two serpentinite weathering profiles located in the Kongo-Nkamouna and Mang North sites of the Lomié ultramafic complex. The serpentinites are characterized by high SiO 2 and MgO contents, very low trace, rare earth and platinum-group element contents. Lanthanide and PGE contents are higher in the Nkamouna sample than in Mang North. Normalized REE patterns according to the CI chondrites reveal that: (i) all REE are below chondrites abundances in the Mang North sample; (ii) the (La/Yb) N ratio value is higher in the Nkamouna sample (23.72) than in the Mang one (1.78), this confirms the slightly more weathered nature of the Nkamouna sample. Normalized PGE patterns according to the same CI chondrites reveal a negative Pt anomaly in the Mang sample. The Nkamouna sample is characterized by a flat normalized PGE pattern. All element contents increase highly from the parent rock to the coarse saprolite. In the weathering profiles, Fe 2O 3 contents decrease from the bottom to the top contrarily to Al 2O 3, SiO 2 and TiO 2. The contents of alkali and alkaline oxides are under detection limit. Concerning trace elements, Cr, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn and Sc decrease considerably from the bottom to the top while Zr, Th, U, Be, Sb, Sn, W, Ta, Sr, Rb, Hf, Y, Li, Ga, Nb and Pb increase towards the clayey surface soil. Chromium, Ni and Co contents are high in the weathered materials in particular in the saprolite zone and in the nodules. REE contents are high in the weathered materials, particularly in Nkamouna. Their concentrations decrease along both profiles. Light REE are more abundant than heavy REE. Normalized REE patterns according to the parent rock reveal positive Ce anomalies in all the weathered materials and negative Eu anomalies only at the bottom of the coarse saprolite (Nkamouna site). Positive Ce anomalies are higher in the nodular horizon of both profiles. An additional calculation method of lanthanide anomalies, using NASC data, confirms positive Ce anomalies ([Ce/Ce ∗] NASC = 1.15 to 60.68) in several weathered materials except in nodules ([Ce/Ce ∗] NASC = 0.76) of the upper nodular horizon (Nkamouna profile). The (La/Yb) N ratios values are lower in the Nkamouna profile than in Mang site. PGE are more abundant in the weathered materials than in the parent rock. The highest contents are obtained in the coarse saprolite and in the nodules. The elements with high contents along both profiles are Pt (63–70 ppb), Ru (49–52 ppb) and Ir (41 ppb). Normalized PGE patterns show positive Pt anomalies and negative Ru anomalies. The mass balance evaluation, using thorium as immobile element, reveals that: – major elements have been depleted along the weathering profile, except for Fe, Mn and Ti that have been enriched even only in the coarse saprolite; – all the trace elements have been depleted along both profiles, except for Cr, Co, Zn, Sc, Cu, Ba, Y, Ga, U and Nb that have been enriched in the coarse saprolite; – rare earth elements have been abundantly accumulated in the coarse saprolite, before their depletion towards the top of the profiles; – platinum-group elements have been abundantly accumulated in the coarse saprolite but have been depleted towards the clayey surface soil. Moreover, from a pedogenetical point of view, this study shows that the weathering profiles are autochtonous, except in the upper part of the soils where some allochtonous materials are revealed by the presence of zircon grains.

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