
Prometryne is a selective herbicide of the s-triazine chemical family. Due to its weak absorption onto soil, it readily leaches down through the soil and contaminates underground water. Application of organic manure to soil has become a widespread practice as a disposal strategy to improve soil properties. In this study, we demonstrated the effect of pig manure compost (PMC) and lake-bed sludge (SL) on the sorption/desorption, mobility and bioavailability of prometryne in soil using comprehensive analysis approaches. Downward movement of prometryne was monitored in the packed soil column. Addition of PMC or SL decreased considerably the mobility and total concentration of prometryne in the soil leachate. Bioavailability analyses with wheat plants revealed that addition of the organic matter reduced accumulation of prometryne in tissues and increased plant elongation and biomass. These results indicate that the organic amendments are effective in modifying adsorption and mobility of the pesticide in soil.

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