
Abstract This is a prospective and controlled studyto analyse the mobilisation and collection ofpluripotent precursor cells in order to assess thepredictive factors related to CD34 + yield inpatients affected by haematologicalmalignancies. From Jan/98 to Aug/99, 41patients (26M/15F), with a median age of 35years (12 – 59), underwent 115 procedures forCD34 + cells collection. The diagnoses were: 21(51.2%) non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL); 15(36.6%) Hodgkin disease (HD); 2 (4.9%) chronicmyeloid leukaemia (CML) and 3 (7.3%) multiplemyeloma (MM). Patients were mobilised usingchemotherapy (Cyclophosphamide (CY) 4g/m 2 ,CY7g/m 2 , Etoposide 2g/m 2 , “DHAP” or “Mini-Ice”regimens) followed by G or GM-CSF.Leukapheresis was started when peripheral whiteblood cell count (WBC) reached 1.0x10 9 /L. Theaim was to collect at least 5x10 6 CD34 + cells/Kgof body weight. Eleven (9.5%) procedures wereperformed in Dideco Vivacell BT 798 CE/A; thirtynine (33.9%) in Baxter CS 3000 plus and sixty-five (56.5%) in Fresenius AS 104 equipment. Weanalysed the following variables: age, diagnosis,CT mobilisation regimen, growth factor, previousCT lines, prior RT, WBC recovery and numberof apheresis. For statistical analysis, we useddescriptive statistics, Gaussian adjustment(goodness of fit), univariate analysis andmultivariate analysis (ANOVA), Pearson’scorrelation and regression with bivariatedGaussian curves. We performed a median ofthree procedures per patient (1-6).The medianof days needed for WBC to reach 1.0 x 10

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