
A simple method to perform selective on-line preconcentration of protein samples in capillary electrophoresis (CE) is described. The selectivity, based on protein electrophoretic mobility, was achieved by controlling electroosmotic flow (EOF). A short section of dialysis hollow fiber, serving as a porous joint, was connected between two lengths of fused silica capillary. High voltage was applied separately to each capillary, and the EOF in the system was controlled independently of the local electric field intensity by controlling the total voltage drop. An equation relating the EOF with the total voltage drop was derived and evaluated experimentally. On-line preconcentration of both positively charged and negatively charged model proteins was demonstrated without using discontinuous background electrolytes, and protein analytes were concentrated by approximately 60–200-fold under various conditions. For positively charged proteins, positive voltages of the same magnitude were applied at the free ends of the connected capillaries while the porous joint was grounded. This provided a zero EOF in the system and a non-zero local electric field in each capillary to drive the positively charged analytes to the porous joint. CE separation was then initiated by switching the polarity of the high voltage over the second capillary. For negatively charged proteins, the procedure was the same except negative voltages were applied at the free ends of the capillaries. Mobility-based selective on-line preconcentration was also demonstrated with two negatively charged proteins, i.e. β-lactoglobulin B and myoglobin. In this case, negative voltages of different values were applied at the free ends of the capillaries with different values, which provided a non-zero EOF in the system. The direction of EOF was the same as that of the electrophoretic migration velocities of the protein analytes in the first capillary and opposite in the second capillary. By controlling the EOF, β-lactoglobulin B, which has a higher mobility, could be concentrated over 150-fold with a 15 min injection while myoglobin, which has a lower mobility, was eliminated from the system.

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