
Five end-capped octadecyl RP stationary phases, among which one was a polar embedded stationary phase, were tested for the analysis of benzoic acid derivatives using two mobile phases with or without addition of formic acid (water pH was measured by a common approach; pH of water with addition of formic acid was 3.0 and without formic acid 5.8). The influence of mobile-phase pH on the retention of benzoic acid derivatives was under study. Consequently, Purospher-STAR and Alltima columns provided symmetrical peaks for benzoic acid derivatives at pH 3.0 and also at pH 5.8. Reprosil and Symmetry stationary phases showed poor peak shapes at higher pH of the mobile phase. Differences between the tested columns may be caused by surface heterogeneity. Another reason may be the presence of some atoms creating additional adsorption sites on the surface of Reprosil and Symmetry stationary phases. This can lead to enhanced silanol activity resulting in peak tailing. The addition of formic acid into the mobile phase improved peak shapes. The polar embedded C18 stationary-phase Synergi-Fusion-RP appeared as not a suitable column for the analysis of benzoic acid derivatives. Synergi-Fusion-RP provided asymmetrical peaks even if formic acid was added into the mobile phase.

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