
In GLObal MObile NETwork (GLOMONET), it is essential to authenticate and provide secure communication between a user, foreign agent, and the home agent using session key. Designing a secure and efficient authentication protocol for roaming users in the mobile network is a challenging. In order to secure communication over an insecure channel, a number of authentication schemes have been proposed. The main weakness of the existing authentication protocols is that attackers have the ability to impersonate a legal user at any time. In addition, the existing protocols are vulnerable to various kind of cryptographic attacks such as insider attack, bit flipping attack, forgery attacks, denial-of-service attack, unfair key agreement and cannot provide user’s anonymity. To remedy these weaknesses and to achieve low communication and computation costs, we proposed a secure authentication scheme for roaming users. In addition, the formal verification tools ProVerif and AVISPA is used to check the correctness of the proposed protocol. Finally, the performance evaluation and simulation results shows that the proposed scheme is efficient in terms of communication and computational cost.

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