
Comsat was founded in 1963 to be the American part of an international satellite communications consortium—a consortium (Intelsat) that Comsat was also supposed to form. The services provided were from “fixed” point to “fixed” point—hence fixed satellite service (FSS). Mobile services involved at least one side of the communications link being mobile—such as a ship, airplane, or automobile. The difference between “fixed” services and “mobile” services was well established at the US FCC and the UN-sponsored International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) might or might not be included in the Comsat/Intelsat “monopoly.” MSS was eventually established—after a tortuous (perhaps torturous) beginning.KeywordsLaunch VehicleInternational Civil Aviation OrganizationFederal Aviation AdministrationMobile SatelliteMarisat SatelliteThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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