
This paper addresses a behavior-based fuzzy controller (BFC) for mobile robot wall-following control.The wall-following task is usually used to explore an unknown environment.The proposed BFC consists of three sub-fuzzy controllers, including Straight-based Fuzzy Controller (SFC),Left-based Fuzzy Controller (LFC), and Right-based Fuzzy Controller (RFC).The proposed wall-following controller has three characteristics: the mobile robot keeps a distance from the wall,the mobile robot has a high moving velocity, and the mobile robot has a good robustness ability of disturbance.The proposed BFC will be used to control the real mobile robot.The Pioneer 3-DX mobile robot has sonar sensors in front and sides, and it is used in this study.The inputs of BFC are sonar sensors data and the outputs of BFC are roboti¦s left/right wheel speed.Experimental results show that the proposed BFC successfully performs the mobile robot wall-following taskin a real unknown environment.

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