
Since the machine has used in the production of the goods, the control and speed of the machine always got the upper hand in it. Initially the control was manual and gradually changed [1] to automatic and now it is turn of remote control. Now days almost all the advanced applications are controlled through remote controller and has wide applicability in the advanced future generation processes. For various complicated applications it is necessary to control the drive from the desired remote place [2]. In the designed system it is possible to keep the system running with any one of fourteen different speeds along with the on/off. The proposed control system design will help to control system over a mobile using DTMF technique with microcontroller [3]. It is possible to change the control in real time using the algorithms. This will help to reduce the cost, size and human efforts helping the increase the efficiency and productivity of the system [4]. The proposed system also measures the speed and voltage. Initially the system is simulated and the results are noted. Then the hardware along with the software is designed and developed. The system parameters are measured in real time application with the remote GSM modem using DTMF decoder and compared with the simulated results. The remote application is helpful in hazardous and abnormal conditions for controlling the drive operation. It has wide applicability in the industrial and the communication areas. The control signals will be in the radio frequency range and can cover long distance without interference. The signal strength is also strong and possible to operate in the mobile operated cells.

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