
Mobile cloud computing provides on-demand resources. The architecture of mobile cloud computing is composed of a cluster of mobile devices. It is gaining popularity because of its cost-effectiveness and availability. There are numerous security issues like data breaches due to many data being stored with all of its benefits. According to recent searches, about 70% of the operations are now performed on the cloud. Data loss from mobile devices, unsecured exchange of information through rogue access points are the security threats of mobile cloud computing. Data breaches, account hijacking, denial of services, loss of encryption key are additional security and privacy threats. Examples of mobile cloud applications are Google maps, GMAIL, and Cisco’s WebEx on iPad. The security issues mentioned before in mobile cloud computing are now applying more complicated authentication schemes. We can secure the architecture by integrating a multi-agent system. The simulations used for the analysis are OPNET and SPSS, where OPNET is used to evaluate and develop a network and information security model for cloud computing security, and SPSS be used to build a statistical analysis of how much this is affecting and how much it occurs. In this paper, the protocols to implement different kinds of multi- factor authentication are discussed.

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