
<p>Technology offers many possibilities, but older people often do not fully enjoy these opportunities and are frustrated or afraid of these new devices. This has led to their gradual isolation in a society where different forms of communication through the Internet and ICT are essential. In this article, we describe a study conducted during the nacodeal project, which aims to provide technical solutions for the elderly to provide autonomy and better quality of life in their daily activities by integrating information and communication technologies. In order to achieve this goal, advanced augmented reality (RA) technology and Internet services and mobile device interfaces specially designed for the elderly have been developed. These technologies use the underlying structure of most home and geriatric care centers. We propose a prototype system composed of tablet computers and portable RA devices, and analyze the impact of society on user interaction, as well as the evaluation of acceptability and usability. The assessment was conducted through focus groups and individual pilot tests with 48 participants: The elderly, caregivers and experts. His comments concluded that older people have a strong interest and interest in RA based nursing information and communication technologies, especially those related to communication and autonomy.</p>

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