
Abstract Background and Aims Todays increasing effort are made to detect non-invasive and reliable methods for prediction of organ rejection. In the current study, we evaluated the degree of CD3, CD20, Th17 and Tregs infiltration in kidney biopsy of the patients with acute cellular rejection and the possible relation with graft outcome. Method From 70 biopsy proven ATCMR according to Banff criteria in whom kidney biopsy were done based on acute creatinine rise, 50 patients were selected. 20 patients excluded because of insufficient specimen or clinical data. All of recruited patients experienced their first episode of ATCMR. 21 patients had deceased donors and 29 had living ones. Paraffin sections were deparaffinized then dehydrated using alcohols. The tissues were incubated with Antibodies in two stages. First, they were incubated with antihuman IL-17 monoclonal antibody and polyclonal antibody against FOXP3. The results analyzed with SPSS version 20. P value less than 0.05 was considered as significant. Results FOXP3 mean cell count in stable graft function group was 7.88 but in impaired graft group was 8.02, which was not statistically significant (P-value :0. 96). Th17 mean cell count in stable group was 5.0 but in impaired group was 10.1, which was not significant too (P-value: 0.24). FOXP3/Th17 ratio was higher in stable group (1.4 versus 1.12) but without any statistically important value (P-value: 0.22) .CD3 count was higher in impaired group (29.8 versus 27.7) and CD20 count was more in stable group (8.8 versus 7.8) without any significant values (P-value: 0.7 and 0.62) respectively. FOXP3 positive cell count was higher in failure to response group (9.95 vs. 6.63) but with non-significant P-value of 0.1. Th17 count was higher also in this group (11.3 vs. 8.3) but with non-significant value .The FOXP3/Th17 ratio was higher in appropriate response group (1.19 vs. 1.15) with P-value 0.8 .CD3 count was higher in response group and CD20 in failure group vice versa (31.2 vs. 27.3 and 7.96 vs. 8.06) also with nonsignificant values Conclusion We observed that allografts with higher Th17 at biopsy had lower levels of GFR in the next 12 months. One conclusion can be that assessing the Th17 infiltration is more effective than FOXP3 Tregs in predicting the prognosis of renal transplant .

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