
G A A b st ra ct s cases not requiring amplification, and ,10days in 97.5% requiring F/DDISH. Conclusion: Overall HER-positivity rate was 25.8%, identical to that reported in the benchmark ToGA trial. Our case series was approximately twice the size of the UK ToGA cohort, encompassing referrals from across the UK. However, when compared with ToGA, subgroup analysis showed comparable but higher rates in D cancers (10% vs 6.1%), lower in both INT/mixed cancers (30.4/13.5% vs 32.2/20.4%), showed opposite proportions of GOJ/stomach cancers (28.6/31.3% vs 33.1/20.9%), and grouping proximal (OE+GOJ) cancers together, a higher ratio compared to stomach cancers was seen (0.51 vs 0.33). Positivity in Sq cancer is of uncertain significance and warrants further research into new potential GI applications for HER2 targeted therapies.

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