
The extremist jihadist discourse contains Qur'anic texts intended to justify its brutal actions, which are far from the tolerant spirit of Islam, and its precise legislation in the concept of jihad, in which many verses of the Holy Qur'an were taken; Jihad, forbidding fighting, delicts to peace, and holding alliances. The jihadist rhetoric of Osama bin Laden, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the extremist electronic sites includes a number of Qur'anic verses, as they attempt to dye their actions by the income of certain verses, as well as to seek to deceive the youth of the nation and to lure them into the Souh Terrorism, and convince them that these acts of terror are the true face of Islam that Allah Almighty wants. When the Qur'anic texts were thoroughly examined, they were found in truncated texts of Qur'anic verses, or an entire verse extracted from their general context, which made it easier to channel their significance to what they intended, and also stood for certain language features in the jihad, which were not sufficiently familiar with the language laws And its systems, they are delusional in an extremist connotation marketed to him; the extremist discourse has stated that it is indicative of its terrorist approach, which is rejected by all humanitarian, as well as celestial norms. So I was looking to study the most prominent verses of jihad, a study that shows the worsening of the extremist discourse of these verses and the character of their significance away from the connotation shown by the Qur'anic context, and also indicated the motives of the linguistic illusion in those verses, which helped the extremist discourse to benefit from those texts to commercialize terrorism and legitimize it in the belief of its grassroots base.


  • ‫تباينهم؛ فهي أولى بالتباين والاختلاف عن الدلالة الحقيقية لدى المتكلم والمرِّسل للن ِّص‪.‬‬ ‫ولما كان الخطاب القرآني ينتمي إلى الخطاب المقيد الن ِّصي وليس الخطاب الحر الشفوي؛‬ ‫فإ َّن عملية الإيهام ستكون أسهل لانفكاك الن ِّص عن عصر انتاجه وعن ال ُمحيطين علما بذلك‬ ‫العصر‪ ،‬إذ من السهل أن تخضع عمليات التفسير والتأويل المؤدلجة لما "يمكن أن نطلق عليه‬

  • the extremist electronic sites includes a number of Qur'anic verses

  • as they attempt to dye their actions by the income of certain verses

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‫تباينهم؛ فهي أولى بالتباين والاختلاف عن الدلالة الحقيقية لدى المتكلم والمرِّسل للن ِّص‪.‬‬ ‫ولما كان الخطاب القرآني ينتمي إلى الخطاب المقيد الن ِّصي وليس الخطاب الحر الشفوي؛‬ ‫فإ َّن عملية الإيهام ستكون أسهل لانفكاك الن ِّص عن عصر انتاجه وعن ال ُمحيطين علما بذلك‬ ‫العصر‪ ،‬إذ من السهل أن تخضع عمليات التفسير والتأويل المؤدلجة لما "يمكن أن نطلق عليه‬.

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