
It is widely believed that the most valuable knowledge is also tacit. It is difficult to be preserved, to be made reusable and to be enhanced, because it lies in people's mind and it is hard to express and share. Knowledge engineering techniques have been adapted and used for knowledge management, especially, for the acquisition and modelling of this kind of knowledge. In this paper, we present MNEMO (Methodology for kNowledgE acquisition and MOdelling), a mixed methodological approach, which combines the strengths of two of the mentioned techniques, CommonKADS and MASK (Method of Analysis and Structuring Knowledge), both analyzed and evaluated through real applications in specific domains. The goal is to dispose of a global method, which aims to be complete and flexible in supporting the whole knowledge management cycle, from its acquisition to its exploitation and valorisation, and which can face the constant knowledge memory updating. This predisposition needs to be verified through a testing phase, which will be carried out within the field of building.

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