
For multinational corporations (MNCs) operating in emerging markets, the fast-growing wealth represents a tremendous opportunity. At the same time, these emerging markets also present a huge challenge to the MNCs due to underdeveloped institutional environment, weak public governance, widespread bribery and corruption, and lack of regulatory legislations and rules, public transparency, and respect for human rights. MNCs are likely to view foreign direct investment (FDI) in emerging economies as a major component of their cost minimization policies. As such, corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, which are used by MNCs as a key source to gain sustainable competitive advantage in developed countries may get diluted in emerging economies. Such a myopic view may enhance short-term profits, but would not ensure long-term sustainability. Most of the research on CSR has focused on the strategies of companies in the developed world. The literature on MNCs in developing economies and CSR is still embryonic. As CSR becomes increasingly important to MNCs, it is crucial to understand how MNCs' subsidiaries approach CSR in emerging markets so as to realize the challenges MNCs' subsidiaries face in aligning their CSR approach with local practices. The questions of how MNCs' subsidiaries approach CSR in emerging markets and how they adapt to local CSR practices remain largely under-explored. Another area of recent research pertains to MNC CSR in ‘conflict zones’ and their potential. Can the otherwise mutually conflicting objectives of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance be seen going hand in hand in such ‘conflict zones’ Can a cause-effect relationship be posited, especially in such conflict zones, with the success of the latter riding on a satisfactory performance of the former? This paper analyses the CSR practices followed by HUL in its unit in DoomDooma, Assam in the period 2001–2004, a period which was one of the most tumultuous periods in the history of HUL operation in India. The largest personal care products factory set up in DoomDooma to take advantage of the government's concessions to encourage the region's development, witnessed serious challenges in the form of local bandhs (closures), followed by an attack by the militant group, ULFA. Yet, the productivity contribution of the Assam factory was one of the highest and in fact was responsible for the company's top line growth. It is suggested that the financial performance was due in no small measure, to the corporate responsibility measures undertaken internally and externally by the company. The former consisted of the measures undertaken vis-a-vis the key stakeholders, viz. employees, consumers, ecosystem, and business partners while the external CR measures were with respect to the specific CSR initiatives undertaken keeping in mind the needs and expectations of the local community. Thus, the company's CR initiatives helped in sustainable growth.

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