
Triple-layered Sr4Ru3O10 is a unique ferromagnet with the central RuO6 layer behaving differently from two outer layers both crystallographically and magnetically. We report that the partial substitution of Ru by smaller Mn gives rise to modification in crystal structure, electronic and magnetic properties of Sr4(Ru1−xMnx)3O10. Through the single crystal X-ray diffraction refinement, we find that (Ru/Mn)O6 octahedral rotation is no longer detectable at x ≥ 0.23, leading to the tetragonal structure. The magnetization measurements indicate the ferromagnetic transition temperature TC decreases from 105 K for x = 0 to 30 K for x = 0.41, with the reduced magnetic moment as well. Remarkably, Mn doping results in the change of magnetic anisotropy from the easy c axis in x = 0 to the easy ab plane seen in x = 0.34 and 0.41. Such change also removes the ab-plane metamagnetic transition observed in x = 0. Furthermore, the electrical resistivity increases with increasing x showing semiconducting behavior with Δ ~ 10 meV for x = 0.34 and 30 meV for x = 0.41. Under applied magnetic field, the magnetoresistance exhibits negative and linear field dependence in all current and field configurations. These results clearly indicate Sr4(Ru1−xMnx)3O10 is a novel ferromagnetic semiconductor with exotic magnetotransport properties.


  • The Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) ruthenates Srn+1RunO3n+1 (n = 1, 2, 3 ... ∞) have attracted great attention because of their exotic electronic and magnetic properties

  • For both nominal x = 0.25 and 0.5 crystals, our single-crystal X-ray diffraction refinement results in structural and compositional information that are given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively

  • Note that the actual Mn concentration is the average value of Mn in the central layer (Mn1) and outer layers (Mn2)

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Linear Negative Magnetoresistance

Received: 29 May 2018 Accepted: 24 August 2018 Published: xx xx xxxx in Sr4(Ru1−xMnx)3O10 Single Crystals. While the only difference in their chemical composition is the number of RuO6 octahedral layers n in the unit cell, their physical properties vary from a p-wave superconductor (n = 1)[1], to a paramagnetic metal with magnetic field-induced quantum critical point (n = 2)[2], to an unusual ferromagnetic metal with in-plane metamagnetism (n = 3)[3], to a ferromagnetic polar metal (n = ∞)[4]. The partial replacement of Ru by Mn results in the modification of (1) crystal structure by removing octahedral rotation, (2) magnetic interaction by changing the easy axis from the c direction to the ab plane, and (3) electrical conduction from metallic to semiconducting with unusual magnetotransport behavior

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