
The room signed ‘Dining Room C’ in the restaurant of the Royal Lancaster Infirmary is a quiet place to go for lunch. If David Burch is there, lunch is also the opportunity to hear his views on the controversial medical training application service (MTAS) for selecting postgraduate medical trainees for hospital careers. So much adverse publicity has been highlighted in the national press and media that one can be forgiven for thinking that the system is in total chaos, that all the predictors of doom are justified in their anxieties. David does not share these views, although he is diplomatic enough to recognise that the system has needed and will continue to need help with its evolution. The Journal compiled its list of ‘FAQ’ from conversations that various people have had with David over the year: the publication of this edition coincides with the deadline of August 1st, which he had previously suspected would be a date for chaos and confusion. If your planned annual leave or lunch has been cancelled, it is worth reading a characteristically robust defence. An optimist might consider that University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay have got away lightly in modernising medical careers (MMC).

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