
Igbo abstract: Asụsụ bụ ihe mmadụ na ibe ya ji emekọrịta. Ọ bụ ya ka mmadụ ji akọwapụta onwe ya. Nke a kpatara na a na-ekwu na ọ bụ naanị mmadụ na- asụ asụsụ. Asụsụ na-akọwapụta ebumnuche mmadụ na amamihe onye ahụ. Asụsụ dịka mmadụ, na-eto eto ma na-amụbawanye n’okwu ọhụrụ. N’aka nke ọzọ asụsụ na-anwụ n’ihi na ọ bụ mmadụ na-asụ asụsụ. A kwụsị ịsụ ya,ọ nwụọ pịị. Asụsụ anaghị akwụ otu ebe, ọna-eme mgbanwe. Obodo na-emepewanye, asụsụ ha a na-amụbawanye n’okwu ọhụrụ. A na-emepụta okwu ọhụrụ dị iche iche iji chekwaba echiche ọhụrụ, aha ọhụrụ na ọtụtụ ihe ọhụrụ na-apụtagasị site na mmepe. Imepụta mkpụrụokwu ọhụrụ ga-eme ka ịsụ asụsụ na odide ya dị mfe ma na–aga n’ihu otu o kwesịrị. O nweghị asụsụ zuru oke n’onwe ya, nke o ji enwe asụsụ ka ibe ya mma. Dịka asụsụ Igbo esighị zuchaa oke n’onwe ya, etu ahụ ka ọ dịkwa n’asụsụ ndị ọzọ dịka Inglish, Frenchi, Jamanị, w.d.g. Nke a mere na e nwere ike ijikọba mkpụrụụdaasụsụ dị n’asụsụ were ha mepụta okwu ọhụrụ. Ndị Igbo bụ agbụrụ na-achọ ihe ọhụrụ mgbe niile. Ha na-eme nomi nke ukwu. Site na mmekọrịta na-adị n’etiti onwe ha, na kwa agbụrụ ndị ọzọ, ọtụtụ mkpụrụokwu ọhụrụ na-apụtagasị. Okwu ọhụrụ ndị ahụ nwere ike bụrụ okwu njakịrị maọbụ okwu mbite w.d.g. Anyị ga-amata na otu n’ihe a na-ahụ n’asụsụ bụ site n’oge ruo n’oge, a na-emepụta mkpụrụokwu ọhụrụ. Ya mere, ederede a na-elekwasa anya n’okwu ọhụrụ na ụzọ maọbụ usoro dị iche iche e si emeputa okwu ọhụrụ ka asụsụ Igbo were mụbaa na mkpụrụokwu, uru na ọghọm dị n’imepụta okwu ọhụrụ na ntụziaka ga-enye aka ịhụ n’imepụta okwu ọhụrụ na-aga n’ihu. English Abstract: Language is a form of human interaction. It is a person who expresses himself. This is why it is said that only a person can speak a language. Language defines a person's purpose and wisdom. Languages ​​as a human, growing and expanding in new terms. On the other hand, a language dies because it is someone who speaks a language. He was stabbed to death. Languages ​​do not pay much for one place; Cities are developing, and their language is expanding into new words. New words are being created to reflect new ideas, new names and many new things emerging from development. Creating new words will make it easier to speak the language and sounds and move forward. Not one language is perfect in its own language, and it has one of the best languages. Just as Igbo is not perfect in its own right, so is the case in other languages ​​such as English, French, German, etc. This means that the target language can be grouped together to create a new word. Igbo people are always looking for something new. They are very imitators. Through relationships between themselves and each other, many new words emerge. The new words may be jokes or rhymes etc. We have to know that the only thing that is found in the language is that from time to time, new words are being created. Therefore, this text focuses on new words and methods or techniques for generating new words so that the Igbo language increases with the words, advantages and disadvantages of creating new words and directions will help to see n. 'the production of new words continues.

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