
During embryogenesis normal male phenotypic development requires the action of Müllerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS) which is secreted by Sertoli cells of the fetal testis. As testes differentiate in genetic (XY) males, they produce MIS which causes regression of the Müllerian ducts, the anlagen of the female reproductive tract. Soon thereafter, testicular androgens stimulate the Wolffian ducts. In females, on the other hand, MIS is not produced by grandulosa cells until after birth, before which, estrogens induce Müllerian duct development, while the Wolffian ducts passively atrophy in the absence of androgenic stimulation. High serum MIS levels in males are maintained until puberty, whereupon they fall to baseline levels. In females MIS is undetectable in serum until the peripubertal period when values approach the baseline levels of males. This distinct pattern of sexual and ontogenic expression presupposes and requires tight regulation. MIS may play a role in gonadal function and development. Our laboratory has shown that an important role for ovarian MIS is to inhibit oocyte meiosis, perhaps providing maximal oocyte maturation prior to selection for ovulation and subsequent fertilization. Furthermore, Vigier et al. (Development 100:43-55) have recently obtained evidence that MIS may influence testicular differentiation, coincident with inhibition of aromatase activity. Current structure-function studies demonstrate that MIS, like other growth regulators in its protein family, requires proteolytic cleavage to exhibit full biological activity. MIS can be inhibited by epidermal growth factor. This antagonism, which is common to all MIS functions so far investigated, is associated with inhibition of EGF receptor autophosphorylation. We have provided evidence that bovine MIS can inhibit female reproductive tract tumors arising in adults.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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