
Müller-Lyer (ML) figures bias size estimation consistently, yet different methods can lead to different degrees of illusory bias. Autistic individuals may also be less likely to perceive illusory biases with varying levels of autistic trait expression proposed to modulate reported illusory biases. The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) and Systemizing Quotient (SQ) are self-report measures that quantify autistic trait expression and systemizing ability in neurotypical individuals. The current study sought to determine if perceptions of illusory size bias negatively correlate with autistic trait expression and the extent to which varying methods of illusion presentation change the magnitude of illusory bias. Thirty neurotypical adults completed both questionnaires as well as four size estimation tasks. Two tasks involved perceptual discrimination of ML figures by concurrent and successive presentation, where participants selected the longer figure by keypress. For Tasks 3 and 4, participants adjusted the size of a non-illusory line (Task 3) or complementary illusory figure (Task 4) to match the perceived length. Overall, task performance was not correlated with autistic trait expression. One exception was a negative correlation with AQ when adjusting a complementary illusory ML figure in Task 4. Illusory biases were also stronger when two illusory figures were presented concurrently. Given these results, illusion susceptibility to the ML is suggested to be reduced with increases in AQ, but only when the method of illusion measurement is adjustment of concurrent illusory figures. Taken together the results provide evidence that traits associated with autism in a neurotypical population may systematically modulate perception.

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