
The success of supervised learning-based single image depth estimation methods critically depends on the availability of large-scale dense per-pixel depth annotations, which requires both laborious and expensive annotation process. Therefore, the self-supervised methods are much desirable, which attract significant attention recently. However, depth maps predicted by existing self-supervised methods tend to be blurry with many depth details lost. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel framework, named MLDA-Net, to obtain per-pixel depth maps with shaper boundaries and richer depth details. Our first innovation is a multi-level feature extraction (MLFE) strategy which can learn rich hierarchical representation. Then, a dual-attention strategy, combining global attention and structure attention, is proposed to intensify the obtained features both globally and locally, resulting in improved depth maps with sharper boundaries. Finally, a reweighted loss strategy based on multi-level outputs is proposed to conduct effective supervision for self-supervised depth estimation. Experimental results demonstrate that our MLDA-Net framework achieves state-of-the-art depth prediction results on the KITTI benchmark for self-supervised monocular depth estimation with different input modes and training modes. Extensive experiments on other benchmark datasets further confirm the superiority of our proposed approach.

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