
The purpose of this study was to measure customer satisfaction and customer loyalty with news stand services, and to examine the relationship between the concepts of interest. The research was conducted on news stands in the city of Rijeka. Data were gathered using questionnaire. The questionnaire was created based on the studies conducted by Radman et al. (2002), Sinčić Ćorić, Vorkapić (2008) and Perić et al. (2010) and was adopted to the specific features of the present study. It consists of three parts. In first part customer satisfaction with news stand services was measured. Second par included variables for assessing customer loyalty. Third part consisted of respondents' demographic characteristics and buying habits in news stand. A total of 129 valid questionnaires were collected. Descriptive analysis and regression analyses were performed to analyze data. The findings showed high level of customer satisfaction and moderate level of customer loyalty. Furthermore, there is statistically significant relationship between attribute and overall customer satisfaction. The highest significant impact on overall customer satisfaction had staffs’ courtesy, product quality, and price. In addition, significant relationship was found between overall customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The results of the present study may be useful to academics and practitioners in better understanding of customers’ attitudes and habits regarding the news stand services, in order to enhance the level of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in this retail segment.


  • The findings showed high level of customer satisfaction and moderate level of customer loyalty

  • Significant relationship was found between overall customer satisfaction and customer loyalty

  • The results of the present study may be useful to academics and practitioners in better understanding of customers’ attitudes and habits regarding the news stand services, in order to enhance the level of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in this retail segment

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Teorijska osnova istraživanja

Osnovni koncepti istraživanja u ovom radu su zadovoljstvo klijenta i lojalnost klijenta. Kao klijentov sud o tome jesu li proizvod ili usluga pružili ugodnu razinu ispunjenja (Oliver, 1997). U ovom se radu zadovoljstvo klijenta uslugama na kiosku promatra kao ukupna ocjena uslužnog procesa koja je rezultat zadovoljstva s pojedinim elementom usluge na kiosku. Smatra se kako se radi o složenim uslugama kod kojih je opravdano ocjenjivati zadovoljstvo pojedinim elementom usluge jer takve ocjene daju detaljne informacije i dovode do ocjene ukupnog zadovoljstva promatranom uslugom. Lojalan klijent kupuje od istog proizvođača proizvoda ili pružatelja usluga kada god je to moguće, taj proizvod ili uslugu preporučuje drugima i ima pozitivan stav prema poduzeću (Kandampully i Suhartanto, 2000). S obzirom na navedenu višedimenzionalnost koncepta, u ovom se radu lojalnost klijenta promatra kroz tri dimenzije – ponašanje klijenta (namjera ponovne kupnje), stav klijenta (pozitivna usmena predaja) i spoznaja klijenta (jedina prihvatljiva mogućnost za kupnju). Domaći su autori povezanost zadovoljstva i lojalnost klijenta u okviru djelatnosti trgovine istraživali na primjeru kupaca u supermarketu (Anić i Radas, 2006) i na primjeru kupaca drvnog centra (Sinčić Ćorić i Vorkapić, 2008)

Ciljevi i hipoteze istraživanja
Instrument mjerenja
Uzorak i prikupljanje podataka
Metode statističke analize
Demografske karakteristike ispitanika
Ocjena zadovoljstva i lojalnosti klijenta
Povezanost zadovoljstva klijenta i lojalnosti klijenta
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