
The naked lobose amoebae is a group of amoeboid protists producing wide, smooth, nonanastomosing cytoplasmic projections (lobopodia). In contrast with many other rhizopods, locomotion of lobose amoebae is performed by the activity of an actomyosin cytoskeleton; microtubules are rare in this group and when present do not form extended cytoplasmic networks. The group currently comprises 206 properly described species, while the total number of ‘mentioned’ species is about 600. Most of the current classification is based on morphology as there are little or no molecular data from most species. In the morphological system all lobose amoebae belong to the subclass Gymnamoebia Haeckel 1862. In molecular phylogenetic trees, all these organisms belong to the supergroup Amoebozoa Cavalier-Smith 1998, but do not form a monophyletic clade within it. The simple life cycle of amoebae consists of a cyst stage and a trophozoite stage. The group is believed to be completely asexual, with the possible exception of species of the genus Sappinia. Despite relatively low species diversity, the naked amoebae are very abundant in all types of habitats and together with ciliates and flagellates play an important role in ecosystems as bacterial predators and decomposers of organic matter.

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