
Geography of projective varieties is one of the fundamental problems in algebraic geometry. There are many researches toward the characteristics of Chern number of some projective spaces, for example Noethers inequalities, the theorem of Chang-Lopez, and the Miyaoka-Yau inequality. In this paper, we compute the Chern numbers of any smooth complete intersection threefold in the product of projective spaces via the standard exact sequences of cotangent bundles. Then we obtain linear Chern number inequalities for (c_1 (X)c_2 (X))/(c_1^3 (X)) and (c_3 (X))/(c_1^3 (X)) on such threefolds under conditions of d_ij4 and d_ij6 respectively. They can be considered as a generalization of the Miyaoka-Yau inequality and an improvement of Yaus inequality for such threefolds.

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