
5 3P fine-structure mixing in Cd, induced in collisions in ground-state Hg atoms, was investigates by methods of LlF with time resolution. A quartz vapor-cell containing an HgCd mixture was irradiated with consecutive pump and probe laser pulses. The pump pulses (326.1 nm) produced a population of Cd 5 3P 1 atoms whose collisions with Hg atoms caused the distribution of population among the 3P fs states. These were probed with laser radiation exciting the 6 3S 1 state which emitted fluorescence whose relative intensity was recorded in relation to the pum—probe delay, reflecting the time evolution of the respective 3P J populations. The experiments which were carried out over a range of temperatures and CdHg densities, yielded the cross sections for the fs mixing collisions and the rate constant for the HgCd exciplex formation.

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