
The effect of the endogeic earthworm species Octolasion tyrtaeum (Savigny) on decomposition of uniformly 14C-labelled lignin (lignocellulose) was studied in microcosms with upper mineral soil (Ah-horizon) from two forests on limestone, representing different stages of succession, a beech- and an ash-tree-dominated forest. Microcosms with and without lower mineral soil (Bw-horizon) were set-up; one O. tyrtaeum was added to half of them. It was hypothesised that endogeic earthworms stabilise lignin and the organic matter of the upper mineral soil by mixing with lower mineral soil of low C content. Cumulative C mineralization was increased by earthworms and by the addition of lower mineral soil. Effects of the lower mineral soil were more pronounced in the beech than in the ash forest. Cumulative mineralization of lignin was strongly increased by earthworms, but only in the beech soil (+24.6%). Earthworms predominantly colonized the upper mineral soil; mixing of the upper and lower mineral soils was low. The presence of lower mineral soil did not reduce the rates of decomposition of organic matter and lignin; however, the earthworm-mediated increase in mineralization was less pronounced in treatments with (+8.6%) than in those without (+14.1%) lower mineral soil. These results indicate that the mixing of organic matter with C-unsaturated lower mineral soil by endogeic earthworms reduced microbial decomposition of organic matter in earthworm casts.

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