
We discuss the short-time perturbative expansion of the linear entropy for finite-dimensional quantum systems whose dynamics can be effectively described by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. We derive a timescale for the degree of mixedness for an input state undergoing non-Hermitian dynamics and specialize these results in the case of a driven-dissipative two-level system. Next, we derive a timescale for the growth of mixedness for bipartite quantum systems that depends on the effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. In the Hermitian limit, this result recovers the perturbative expansion for coherence loss in Hermitian systems, while it provides an entanglement timescale for initial pure and uncorrelated states. To illustrate these findings, we consider the many-body transverse-field XY Hamiltonian coupled to an imaginary all-to-all Ising model. We find that the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian enhances the short-time dynamics of the linear entropy for the considered input states. Overall, each timescale depends on minimal ingredients such as the probe state and the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian of the system, and its evaluation requires low computational cost. Our results find applications to non-Hermitian quantum sensing, quantum thermodynamics of non-Hermitian systems, and $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric quantum field theory.

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