
Scattering from large elastic or fluid spheres is enhanced along the backward axis due to a weak focusing. The effect of diffraction on this axial focusing was shown [P. L. Marston and D. S. Langley, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 73, 1464–1475 (1983)] to remove an unphysical divergence of scattered pressure predicted by elementary ray acoustics. Our previous model of this “acoustic glory” of elastic spheres was complete only for transmitted waves within the sphere which were either all longitudinal (L) or all shear (S). These contributions were separated by measuring the backscattering of short tone bursts from a glass sphere in water having ka≈457. Measured peak‐to‐peak pressures were typically within 5% of predictions [P. L. Marston, K. L. Williams, and T. J. B. Hanson, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 74, 605–618 (1983)]. In the present research we complete the theory for the case of mixed‐mode glories in which there is at least one L to S or S to L mode conversion due to reflection. A novel calculation shows the focal parameters are independent of permutations of the mode sequence; however, the contributions to the scattering depend on sequence. Measured mixed‐mode pressures (from the aforementioned sphere) are within 5% of the predictions. [Work supported by ONR. Marston is an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow.]

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