
Thin layer chromatography owes its popularity to several advantages, being faster, easy to perform and ability to use a variety of mobile phase compositions because detection is post mobile phase removal. Silica gel is the most commonly employed stationary phase. This poses certain limitations in terms of selectivity, hence suitable modifications are attempted. Selectivity can be improved using modified silica but the process of modification can be tedious and non reproducible. We report here use of mixed bed stationary phase for separation of components in extract of roots of Rubia cordifolia L. (family Rubiaceae), a common medicinal plant used in the preparation of various formulations in Ayurveda. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) was prepared and used as a stationary phase with silica in the ratio 10 : 90 and 5 : 95 w/w respectively. Mobile phase composition was optimized and an additional component was separated, which was not observed on silica TLC plate. Moreover, characterization studies of prepared MCC were performed. The FTIR spectra obtained resembled the commercial MCC spectra with all the characteristic peaks obtained well in the prepared MCC. The dynamic light scattering data of the prepared MCC showed the mean particle diameter of 0.715 μm. The TGA-DTA data showed no deviations in the plot, even when the analysis was carried out in the presence of air instead of nitrogen.

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