
Mixed methods research is the combination and integraion of qualitative and quantitative methods in the same study. lthough researchers have combined qualitative and quantitative ata for many years, current conceptualizations of mixed methds research did not emerge until the 1980s. Mixed methods esearch has developed rapidly in these last few years, emerging s a research methodology with a recognized name and disinct identity (Denscombe, 2008), especially in some fields such s education, health sciences, psychology and sociology. In these elds, this methodological approach is recognized as the third ethodological movement, along with qualitative research and uantitative research (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004; Tashakkori Teddlie, 2003). This distinctiveness is reflected in the publication f many books focused on mixed methods, in a methodological ournal (Journal of Mixed Methods Research, Sage) and in a scientific ssociation (Mixed Methods International Research Association, ttp://mmira.wildapricot.org/). An important aspect regarding mixed methods research is why o use this methodological approach. The use of mixed methods esearch in business studies may play an important role in the evelopment of our field because results obtained from different ethodshave thepotential to enrichourunderstandingof business roblems and questions. In this regard, mixed methods research ay add value and contribute to advance our research topics in the usiness fields (Molina-Azorin, 2007, 2011, 2012; Molina-Azorin Cameron, 2015; Molina-Azorin & Lopez-Gamero, 2016; Molinazorin, Lopez-Gamero, Pereira-Moliner, & Pertusa-Ortega, 2012). Theoverall purposeandcentral premiseofmixedmethods studes is that the use of quantitative and qualitative approaches in ombination provides a better understanding of research problems nd complex phenomena than either approach alone (Creswell & lano Clark, 2007). Better understanding can be obtained by tringulating one set of results with another and thereby enhancing he validity of inferences. Greene, Caracelli, and Graham (1989) oint out other important purposes, rationales and advantages of ixed methods research: complementarity (elaboration or clarifiation of the results from one method with the findings from the thermethod), development (when the researcher uses the results rom onemethod to help develop the use of the other method) and

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