
We consider an extended version of the classical Max-k-Cut problem in which we additionally require that the parts of the graph partition are connected. For this problem we study two alternative mixed-integer linear formulations and review existing as well as develop new branch-and-cut techniques like cuts, branching rules, propagation, primal heuristics, and symmetry breaking. The main focus of this paper is an extensive numerical study in which we analyze the impact of the different techniques for various test sets. It turns out that the techniques from the existing literature are not sufficient to solve an adequate fraction of the test sets. However, our novel techniques significantly outperform the existing ones both in terms of running times and the overall number of instances that can be solved.


  • In this paper we study a special version of the graph partitioning problem in which all parts of the partition have to be connected

  • Our reason to study the C- Max-k-Cut stems from an application: it is a subproblem in computing a market splitting for electricity markets; see, e.g., [3,21,22,34]

  • Because dense constraints may slow down the solution process [40], it might be favorable to separate the local cuts instead of adding the global cut initially. These cuts can be separated by computing the graph gas instances (Gas) well as the corresponding value k, which can be done in O(k(|V | + |E|)) time, and adding the locally valid cut if (7) is violated

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In this paper we study a special version of the graph partitioning problem in which all parts of the partition have to be connected. The objective is to maximize the number of edges between the parts We call it the connected Max-k-Cut problem or C- Maxk-Cut for short. Forest planning problems are studied in [8], where an important constraint is that, for a number of different planning problems, old tree populations must stay connected. Another related problem is that of finding a coloring of a graph such that each color induces a connected subgraph. We augment a general-purpose MILP solver by (i) tweaking known techniques from the existing literature for related problems and by (ii) developing new MILP-techniques that are tailored for the C- Max-k-Cut problem.

Related literature
Articulation-vertex cuts
Leaf cuts
Odd-cycle cuts
Triangle cuts
Clique cuts
Articulation-vertex branching
Infeasibility branching
Objective branching
Path branching
A relaxation-based rounding heuristic
Spanning tree heuristic
Partitioning symmetries
Graph symmetries
Test sets and computational setup
The Color02 test set
The Random test set
The Steiner-80 test set
The Steiner-160 test set
The Steiner-80 and Steiner-160 test sets
General observations
General observations for dense graphs
General observations for sparse graphs
Conclusions for good default settings
An application to gas and power networks
12. Color02 - computational symposium
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Paper version not known

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