
Introduction: Mixed germ cell tumour is a very rare type of aggressive cancer, consisting of more than one type of germ cell components. The most common component reported was dysgerminoma, followed by endodermal sinus tumour, teratoma, choriocarcinoma and embryonal carcinoma respectively. This study focuses on the combination of dysgerminoma and endodermal sinus tumour (yolk sac tumour) along with the hearing loss as the side effect of chemotherapy.
 Clinical Findings: Pain in the lower abdomen (lump is visible and has occupied hypogastrium along with bilateral iliac region extending 2-3 cm above the umbilicus), backache, fever (100.6 °F). Later after the third chemo cycle, it was found that the patient has progressive mild hearing loss.
 Diagnostic Evaluation: HB= 9.7gm%, TLC= 10300/cumm, PLT= 5,49 lakhs/cumm, CA 125= 909 U/ML.
 Histopathology Report: Ascitic fluid along with thirteen containers containing right ovarian mass, right ovary with mass, right fallopian tube, bowel deposits as well as residual nodules and pelvic deposits were sent of which, the reports indicated mixed germ cell tumour of the ovary.
 Therapeutic Intervention: Packed red blood cells transfusion, Pre-chemo and post-chemo hydration, Pre-chemo and post-chemo drugs, BEP Chemotherapy (Bleomycin, Etoposide, Cisplatin).
 Conclusion: My patient aged 11 years old female was admitted to Gynaecology Ward No – 16, AVBRH on 27/12/2020 for the first cycle of chemotherapy with the complaints of lower abdominal pain, backache and fever. The patient was diagnosed as the case of mixed germ cell tumour, further had mild hearing loss as the side effect of chemotherapy The patient is on chemo and is advised for follow up care once a month.

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