
The Fertile Crescent appears to be the most plausible region where the domestication of cats commenced through a mutually beneficial relationship between wild cats and early agrarian societies. These domesticated cats then journeyed across the globe mirroring the paths of human migration. An examination of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region-based mitotyping suggested that a significant majority, exceeding 80%, of globally sampled random-bred and pure-bred cats could be categorized into 12 predominant mitotypes. However, the extent of mitotype diversity within random-bred cats from regions proximate to the Fertile Crescent remains inadequately explored. In light of this we aimed to investigate the mitotype diversity in random bred cats sampled from various regions across Turkey. Additionally, we sought to establish a comparison with the mitotype profiles of locally recognized pure breeds, namely the Turkish Angora and Turkish Van. To unravel their evolutionary narratives, we engaged in comprehensive population genetics analyses at both the individual and mitotype-based levels. Our study encompassed a sample size of 240 specimens, forming the basis for both mitotyping and population genetics scrutiny. Our analysis yielded the identification of nine ‘universal’ mitotypes (A—J), alongside an ‘outlier’ mitotype group I. Notably mitotypes A and D emerged as particularly prevalent in contrast to the lesser occurrence mitotypes C, G, and H. With the realm of random bred cats the structure of haplotypes exhibited remarkable diversity presenting distinctions from Turkish Angora and Van breeds. Nucleotide diversity was higher compared to previous reports from Turkey and was one of the highest among reported world cat population estimates. Intriguingly, our investigations did not unveil any pronounced instances of strong selection, population expansions or contractions within any specific population or mitotype. To conclude, our study represents a pioneering effort in uncovering the mitotype profiles and haplotype structures inherent to both random-bred and pure breed cats in Turkey. This endeavor not only broadens our understanding of the feline genetic landscape within the region but also lays the foundation for future inquiries into the evolutionary trajectories and genetic legacies of these feline populations.

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